Death in the Mouth: Original Horror from the Margins Vol 2 Print Edition
DEATH IN THE MOUTH: Original Horror from the Margins is the second installment in our horror anthology series showcasing BIPOC and other ethnically marginalized writers and artists from around the world.
It will feature 20 stand-alone prose stories spanning from the mythic past to the far future, cross between real and fictive worlds, and explore unique and unsettling manifestations of horror. Each story will also be accompanied by an original black and white illustration by a unique artist.
DEATH IN THE MOUTH VOL 2 will be a ~250 page, 6x9" B/W trade paperback with a full color cover.
This project was funded through Kickstarter 9/14/23:
In the current cannibalistic political climate, finding stories from those silenced and overlooked continues to be essential. Radical art is starved out of our society by gatekeepers and artistic transgression is smothered. If you refuse to create art that is politically-impotent and soothsaying, the world will make you invisible. Innovative writing and art only happen in the margins, away from the maggot-eaten grasp of those who would filter all art through a mesh of morality and marketability. Celebrating those neglected voices, letting them riot and wallow and indulge in whatever their fears and desires may be makes our lives richer, helps us to understand others, and ourselves as well. Horror carves open spaces inside yourself you’ve never thought of, never touched, or ignored on purpose. If it hurts, if it nauseates, if it frightens, that’s your soul stretching to accommodate something new.
Horror comes in many different forms. It is chimerical, a shapeshifter. Within this collection we hope you'll find stories that will delight you in their disgustingness, enchant you with their terror, and make your breath catch like a hard seed in your throat. Each story features an original illustration, all ranging across styles with inks rendered liquid and gritty, varicose and phantom. Each and every author, artist, submitter, backer (807!), editor, and worker who has touched this book has left an indentation on it, thumb prints, claw and bite marks. A mycelial web cultivated in these stories now extends around the world, connecting us all. Connecting us to you.
And now your mark is on it, too.
May our nightmares be your nightmares. Enjoy.